Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lone Justice

Hi everyone. Hope you're having an enjoyable autumn season, as the leaves turn, a pleasant chill enters the air, and Mr. Autumn Man comes out of hiding.

First off: I went and did it. Finally, you can download our new album Promises To Deliver from our bandcamp page! Click on over there and do so, if ya haven't. So as not to undercut our labels, we're asking $8 for the digi-download. And we thank you very much for that! Speaking of Promises To Deliver and the fine folks who did the dirty work of actually releasing it, if you're looking for it on colored vinyl... there are 6 copies left, which you can mailorder from Dead Broke Records. There used to be many, many more, so if you plan on getting one, you may want to act fast!

There are a bunch of shows coming up, listed over there on the right. Check 'em out, especially if you live in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Iowa, or Florida. Tonight, we're playing the benefit for Brody Sotana and Connor Dukes's families, so on the off chance that you're reading this update on the afternoon or early evening of Thursday October 17th... come to the Triple Rock tonight! You can't ask for a better cause than helping out here.

Have you bought your tickets to Gainesville Fest 12 yet? It's coming right up! We're playing Fest Sunday afternoon, opening up the Lucero/Drag the River/Whiskey & Co. rock'n'roll circus at Wooly's. We "officially" start at 3:30pm, but if we aren't too hung over and get moving, who knows? Maybe we kick off a little earlier... also, on Wednesday, October 30th, I'm playing a little ADD Records corporate luncheon showcase with the usual suspects. So, if you're in Tampa and rarin' to go, come see me and probably Sam Beer strum some tunes!

As far as long-term stuff goes, well... it might be irresponsible of me to speculate, but I am an irresponsible fellow so I'm going to do just that. It does look like we're going to tour south to Texas and back in January. And speaking of Texas, we'll eventually get a split 7" with The Distressers (ex-Occult Detective Club) released. Somewhere down the line. Last thing: looks like a very good chance of a round of Live Band Karaoke on New Year's Eve at the Hexagon in Minneapolis. When that's official, any interested parties will be made aware.

Oh, and you're probably wondering why this post is called Lone Justice? Oh, no reason, that's just the band I was listening to when I wrote it, and I couldn't think of anything else to call it. They do a cover of "Ways To Be Wicked" that is just... wicked rad! Allright, that's all for now,
