Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Live Band Karaoke on New Year's Eve, and other things

Hi everybody, just checking in this mid-November with some small bits of news from our Blue Diamond Land department.We've been working on new songs, and playing a few shows here and there. Nothing big is planned until our January tour to Texas and back (dates will be announced soon for that). Nothing except...

Live Band Karoke! Yes, we're bringing that back. And while it's not going to be a full night like it normally is at Grumpy's, we are definitely going to have time for 10 or 11 or so awesome requests from Twin Cities-area folks who want to sing something on New Year's Eve at the Hexagon. Yeah, that party is for real. Looks like the Frozen Teens and the Teenage Moods are playing, too. I'm pretty sure there's even another band. Party on!

So, email your song requests to Again, we have time for around 10 requests, maybe one or two more, so this will probably fill up fast.

And hey, here's something: we're starting to practice with a keyboard player these days, with the eventual goal of playing some shows as a 5-piece guitar-guitar-bass-drums-keyboard arrangement! This is some deep-in-the-laboratory stuff, however, so just be advised that we could end up surprising you with an extra member the next time you come see a Blue Diamond Band show.

Allright, have fun out there! Hasta la pasta, caballeros and caballeras,
