Well, that's it! We're home, and to remind us where we live, Minnesota has decided to move late December into mid-November on our behalf! That's right... snow, low 20's for high temperatures, the inevitable incursions by White Walkers (let's face it, this is Minnesota... most of the people walking around are white)... yep we've got it all! Thanks to everyone who came out and rocked out. Here's that great poster art from Arms Aloft, one more time:
We have no major tours planned for quite awhile now, just local and regional stuff. Keep an eye on the shows listed on the right-hand side of this page. The long-term plan is to finish the songs for our second album, and as far as that goes, I've written the basics for most of them, or possibly even all of them, but so much more happens when the band gets ahold of them that I wouldn't want to put an estimate on when that might be accomplished. Regardless, we have some GREAT stuff coming up in the Upper Midwest, so bundle up and walk on down to the rock'n'roll show - you're sure to see us there!
-Nato & the BDB