Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Year's Eve and... Earth Van RIP???

We're having a big New Year's Eve benefit show and party, and you should come! It's at the Hexagon Bar in Minneapolis. Many great bands are playing, and all the proceeds will be split between two great causes: Midwest Animal Rescue Society (aka M.A.R.S.), and Planned Parenthood. Take a look at this wonderful poster by CM Dugan:

It's just a great lineup, for two great causes. We're happy to be your entertainment on Amateur Night - as some call New Year's Eve, with some justification - but make no mistake, there will be only PROFESSIONAL AND CLASSY ROCK'N'ROLL AT THIS EVENT!!!

So, there's that. Let's see what else is going on in Blue Diamond Land worth reporting. Anything big? Newsworthy?

On the night of Saturday December 17th, en route to what would have been the Blue Diamond Band's first-ever show in Eau Claire, Wisconsin - a worthy goal! And with Arms Aloft! - our van hit a patch of black ice in Minneapolis, just as we were starting out. We began to swerve, and eventually crashed into a concrete barrier. Nobody was hurt. No gear was damaged. But it may be that our van is no more.

Let me tell you about it. It was named Earth Van (our first van was known as Space Van because that one had many strange electronic quirks and functions that we didn't really think were necessary and at times proved to be a little annoying. It was actually Sam Beer's van). Earth Van brought rock'n'roll happiness, excitement, and sound to somewhere around 35 states and 4 provinces, and was an excellent home away from home. Mike Cranberry built a cool loft structure in the back which was very good in terms of creating storage space. It never once required a major repair. It was a den of sin and vice, and a bastion of serenity and calm, depending on which aspects the situation required. It was a rolling party in all respects. If Earth Van has rolled its final mile, then our song "Econoline" is just a little more poignant today.

A reminder that you can now get our album Live At Grumpy's on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc., and from ADD Records on LP, and Rum Bar Records on CD too! If you haven't yet, you've got time to sneak one in before Christmas! Or at least Boxing Day.

