Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kinda Sorta My Best Friend

Hi everyone, hope summer's treating you right. We're really excited for Awesome Fest 666, which is just around the corner - heck, as I type this, I can already see myself, pint of Jameson and shot of beer in hand, rockin' out to Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children McNuggets, on a pleasant Saturday afternoon at a little cafe down San Diego way where they play guitars all night and day, you can hear 'em in the back room strummin'... hold tight baby, the Blue Diamond Band's comin'!

And for your viewing pleasure, here's an unrelated video of us covering a great song by one of the all-time Minnesota rock'n'roll greats... Click and watch, you might learn something! (We never learn.)

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