Hey everyone! Nato here, on this hot summer afternoon, writing to you from a bunker buried in the heart of Dinkytown, Mpls. We have our new LP available now - Promises To Deliver has arrived!
On Saturday June 22nd, we're playing two record release parties: an early one at Hymiue's Records (3820 E. Lake St, Mpls. 3pm. All-ages. With Lutheran Heat), and a later show at the Turf Club in St Paul (1601 W. University Av, St Paul. 9pm. 21+. With The Frozen Teens, and The Right Here). You'll be able to get your copy of our new album on LP at both shows.
The CD version, which Eager Beaver Records from Japan (along with ADD here in America) is putting out, will be available soon. For now, we have a ton of download codes which you can use to put a digital version of PTD on your computer or iThing or whatever.
There's been a little bit of cool buzz around this thing, as well. Yikes, Minnesota Public Radio even took the time to talk to me! In the "Press Box" section of this blogspot/website (on the left side of the screen), I've added a couple links to interviews and reviews. But for the sake of convenience, here they are, front and center:
MPR interview with Nato and article
Hymie's Records reviews Promises To Deliver
CityPages's Gimme Noise interview with Nato and article
Anyway, enjoy the weather, get some good outdoor stuff in when it's nice, maybe find a porch to watch the thunderstorms from at night, and we'll see you soon - after all, we're touring the nation this summer and we know you're out there. Thanks for supporting this band, everyone. We really appreciate it and we love you all. Be excellent to each other, follow the Bent Outta Shape Code Of Ethics, and I'll see you in hell.
Intteresting read