Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Monday, April 21, 2014

It's Time For Another Grumpy's Residency! Live Band Karaoke (and more!)

Hi there! You caught the title of this post, right? Well, it's all true - we're doing another one of those every-Saturday-night-for-a-month residencies at Grumpy's Downtown in Minneapolis. Grumpy's is located at 1111 S. Washington Ave, and is one of the coolest places on earth, period.

Later in this post, I'll go into more detail on each individual night. But for starters, since it requires participation on your end, let's talk Live Band Karaoke, which will be happening on Saturday May 17th. You may have participated in this with us before, and if you have, you know the score and you know how awesome it can be. But if you've never sang Live Band Karaoke, Blue Diamond Band-style, here's the deal. You pick a song for us to learn, you email it to (my email address) - and you sing it with us the night of the show! For a few minutes, we become YOUR BAND. Can you dig it?!?

I recommend picking three possible requests, and emailing them over (again, the email address is Then, we'll pick the choice that works best. This way, if one song just doesn't seem to be working, we can pick one that will be the most fun for everybody involved in the night's festivities.

Also, there are about 15-20 songs that we already know, for whatever reason (covers we learned for fun, or learned from previous LBK but haven't forgotten). This list will be posted up in several places around the bar, and you will be able to request any of these songs on the spot and sing them with us.

Last thing: anybody going to Perplexed Fest earlier this day? Don't worry, we won't start Live Band Karaoke until 11pm - after the final band of Perplexed Fest has wrapped it up!

Ok, that about explains things for Live Band Karaoke. So, on to the residency, in total!

Sat. May 3rd - Grumpy's Residency Day One will start at 10pm, and feature a quick opening set by Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band, followed by our friends Hot Rash and From The Midwest (feat. a real live Grumpy's DT food wizard!). Then, NC&BDB return to close it out.

Sat. May 10th - Day Two starts at 10pm with a short opening set by the Blue Diamond Band, same as Day One. Then our band-comrades-in-arms Lutheran Heat and We/Ours will hit you again and again. Last, Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band return to play one more set.

Sat. May 17th - Day Three is Live Band Karaoke night. We'll be doing two complete sets of Live Band Karaoke, and the first one will start around 11pm. No other bands are playing - it's just Karaoke, folks. So bring your singin' pants!

Sat. May 24th - Day Four will open with a special set from Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band feat. "The Killer" Terry Lee, who you may recall from previous Grumpy's residencies is Nato's dad! He plays a mean guitar. Then, up from southern Illinois, the band Hospital Job will rock it - that's Luke from The Copyrights's band. Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band then return for one more set to end the night.

Sat. May 31st - Day Five, the last night of our Grumpy's Residency, will start with Nato Coles & the Blue Diamond Band performing a set consisting entirely of Thin Lizzy covers! Then, the bands Toast and The Right Here (Luke De Beaumarchais's band) will play. And naturally, to close the night and our residency, NC&BDB will take the stage one more time and burn it down! And all will be right with the world.

So, friends, we do hope to see you at one or more of these. Grumpy's Residencies are so much fun, they should be criminal. Some of them are criminal! Enjoy your spring, and we'll see ya in May at the best damn bar in the Twin Cities! Salud,


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