Banda Macho!

Banda Macho!
L to R: Sam, Mike, Luke, Nato, Matt

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Kyle Sando Era Will Be Coming To An End

Hello, everybody, and here is some very big news in Blue Diamond Land. We're about to begin a huge summer of shows and tours. So, let me get this out there, for all of you who are gonna come see us play.

Like the title says, the Kyle Sando Era of the Blue Diamond Band is officially going to end. Not as of yet, but... well, here is the deal. Kyle and I put our heads together and came up with this official statement:

"Kyle Sando, longtime and essentially the only bass player of the Blue Diamond Band who matters, has announed that he is dialing back his full-time role in the band, as a result of his choosing to focus on other creative endeavors in life such as journalism and activism - our band has been so active and busy lately that he had to make a choice, and everyone feels it's the right one. We're in the process of confirming his successor - look for that announcement very soon. Until we name our new bassist, Kyle will be playing most of our shows locally, and tours will be handled as they arise."

Again, this transition is entirely 110% friendly and understood as necessary on everyone's part. We've been steady rollin' with Kyle for a good 4+ years now, many records and a great album under our collective championship belt, and he will always have a place onstage and backstage with the Blue Diamond Band. We love ya, Kyle! The Tower Of Power!

(EDITED) Two last bits of unrelated news: 1.) We are touring to Florida and Slop Fest in Athens GA at the end of July, that tour starts Friday July 24th and the dates will be announced very soon; 2.) The tracks we recorded for our live album are sounding like something we might be able to get out there by Fest this year... we've got our fingers crossed, now cross yours too!


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